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How do I edit my VA account after I create it?
This article will show you how to edit your account after you create it.
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **https://www.iorad.com/player/2306574/VPM---How-do-I-edit-my-VA-account-after-I-create-it-
1. The first step is to open VPM and click Home
2. Click the drop down for the detail section, you can now update any section.
3. After updating the detail section. Click the drop down for the Social Media section, you can now update this section.
4. Once you ahve updated the social media section. Click the drop down for the Resume section, you can now update this section.
5. Click About Me and update
6. Once you have updated My Details Click Skills & Languages
7. Once you have updated Skills and Languages Click Experience and update that.
8. Once you have updated Experience you can update Education
9. Once you have updated Education Click Resume
10. Once you have updated your Resume Click Notifications
11. Once you have updated your Notifications Click Tax Information
12. Only if you have a job on the VPM platform can you can you add your Payment information
13. That's it. You're done.