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Hiring Process
Termination Process
Job Posting
Virtual Assistant
Affiliate Program
Hiring Process
Time Off
Gold Glove
Connecting virtual talent from across the globe to meet your business needs.
Can I set up a Pay Increase for one of my VA's for the future?
What is the Job Tab for?
How do I increase my Virtual Assistant's hourly rate?
Hiring a VA who already has a job on VPM Platform
Can I enter in my website and social media for virtual assistants to see?
I created an Employer profile, now what?
How to upload a video (Company)
How to create a Workspace
I want to transfer a job from one workspace to another
How do I add or remove users from a workspace
How do I edit my Employer account after I create it?
Navigating your job workspace when the job has been terminated
Navigating My Account: Employer
Can I search if a contractor has a video profile?
Getting my referral payout as a company, why can I not enter my payout information?
Does VPM verify remote team member profiles?
How do I manage my remote team member?
I am getting too many applications, how can I pause a job?
Best Practices For Training Your VA
Can I invite a virtual team member to company accounts
How and Why to use company selection
Can a manager give a raise, pay a bonus
What happens if I delete a workspace?
How do I transfer a job?
Why would you want to transfer a job?
How can I see all members associated with a workspace?
If I delete a user what happens to their workspace?
I can't see all the workspaces that my team members can see?
I used to see all workspaces but now I can only see a few workspaces?
Can I transfer a team member from one job to another?
How do I delete a user?
I do not have access to the Default Workspace?
What are the roles and abilities of each person in the company workspace?
Why you should update company details ?
Can I edit a workspace name?
What are workspaces?
Best Practices for Creating an Employer Profile
Can I invite a VA to company accounts / why can't I invite a VA to company accounts?
Who owns the work done through Virtual PM Solutions?
How does Virtual PM Solutions protect me from fraud?
Navigating your job workspace when the job is filled
I am searching a specific person by name and they are not coming up in the search window
Are there any startup costs?
How to reduce the number of applicants I am receiving
How to guarantee applications to your job posting
Best Practices for Creating an Employer Profile
Why should I add web and social media
Why should I add a profile
How much does it cost?
Why isn't my country listed? (Companies)
Your Guide to Property Management KPIs!
I deleted a member by mistake. Is there a way to recover?
How to access the Virtual Assistant's video profile.
How do I invite a user to my company?
Why can't I view my company workspaces? I'm seeing different workspaces.
I want to see all jobs in a specific workspace.
Can I invite someone who does not have a VPM Solutions profile to a job?
How to use reports
Marketing lifecycle stages. Leads definitions
Verifying your STRIPE account
How to access DiSC profile on VPM Solutions?
Can I use my bank credits to pay my remote team?
See more
How to add Company Payment Method
How do I pay my Virtual Team Members, and what does it cost?
How do payments work?
Adding payout method for Referral Payments
How to Retry your payments.
How to manually add your bank account.
Updating your banking information for referral payouts.
My remote team member forgot to enter time. What do I do?
Additional identification needed for Stripe Verification(Mexico).
How do I add my Credit Card?
Do Virtual Team Members get overtime?
How Do I Pay My Contractor?
What Happens if I paid a team member by mistake (I missed the dispute window)
Can I approve all timecards?
Why can't I change the status of a payment?
What are the different payment statuses?
Can I pay with two different methods?
I cannot see all the timecards?
Can I approve a timecard that I have declined?
Why does VPM payment reports look different from my bank statement?
How much should I pay my virtual team member?
Payment methods
How to give your Virtual Assistant a Bonus.
Can I see a list of virtual assistants (VAs) and their hourly rates all at once?
Do Virtual team members get a bonus?
Can I approve a timecard that I have disputed?
Can I view all timecards for all jobs at once?
I can't change my payment method
How to use a one time payment from company accounts.
How to view time logs & approve, decline, and dispute times
How do I increase my Virtual Assistant's hourly rate?
How do I give my Remote Team Member a Pay Raise?
How to decline your remote team member's One-Time-Payment
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Do I have any tax obligations when hiring a contractor from VPM Solutions?
Do I have any tax obligations for non U.S. based Virtual Team Members?
Do I have to send a 1099 to U.S. based Virtual Team Members?
Am I responsible for filing tax forms?
Is there any required reporting needed for taxes for Virtual Team Members?
What are the tax implications when hiring a Virtual Team Member?
See more
How do I approve a timecard?
What happens if I forget to approve a timesheet?
Time Clock Software For Employee Time Tracking
Can I limit the number of hours a virtual team member can work per week?
Will I get notified to review timesheets?
Company Owner and Managers- Can I delete a Time Card?
How Do I Review Time Cards?
How do I know when a virtual team member has entered time?
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I have a dispute regarding the Virtual Team Member's timesheet. What do I do?
How do I file dispute?
What happens when I dispute a time card?
Can I deny a time card?
Hiring Process
Is there a way I can see if my contractor is looking for another job on the VPM Platform?
How to invite members into the workspace
I closed a job. How do I repost the job?
How do I run a background check?
Suggested Items to Gather
Best Practices for Messaging with a candidate
Can I see a list of all jobs and the status?
I want to restrict workspaces to a company manager? / Can I demote a company manager to a manager?
Can I delete the default workspace?
Why can't I add/remove users from the default workspace?
Best practices for filling out your job posting.
How to guarantee applications to your job posting.
How do I evaluate a candidate before hiring?
How do I contact a candidate?
I invited a candidate to my job, now what?
Can candidates contact me?
What information can I review when looking at candidates?
Navigating your Job Workspace when in the process of hiring
What do the job statuses mean?
When can I reach out to a Virtual Team Member?
Can I browse profiles before I post a job?
When should I run a background check?
Does VPM run background checks on the virtual assistants?
Can I run a background check on any prospective applicant?
What is the cost of the background check?
How long does it take to complete a background check?
What information do I need to run a background check?
What type of background checks can I run?
Hiring Process Best Practices
FREE DISC Profile Test
I have an applicant that I interviewed and I want to hire, now what?
Can I review an applicants social media accounts?
Can I edit a job that has already been posted?
I closed a job. How do I repost the job?
I found a candidate, how do I fill a job?
Is there a way I can see if a contractor already has a job on the VPM Platform?
I found a candidate I like. How do I hire them?
I received an application, now what?
How do I find top-rated talent?
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Termination Process
I changed the user permission from company manager to manager and now they cannot see any workspaces
How do I terminate or close a job?
Job Posting
How do I accept and review an applicant?
How to Post a job
How do I add a manager to a workspace?
I cant see all the workspaces?
What are the different english proficiency levels?
I deleted a workspace by mistake is there a way to get it back
How do I get access to jobs in the Default Workspace?
What is a workspace?
When should I use Part-time and Full-time?
Can I select more than one job category?
Can I save my job before I post it?
What does short-term and long-term mean?
I posted a job, now what?
I have a specific person I would like to invite to a job. Can I do that?
How to use the VPM Academy During the Application Process
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Payment History