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How to complete your profile
It's crucial to note that you can only apply for jobs if your profile is at least 70% complete.
Follow the Steps below to increase your profile's percentage.
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **https://www.iorad.com/player/2318018/VPM---How-to-increase-your-profile-s-completion-percentage
1. The first step is to open VPM and Navigate to Profile Completion located on the right side of the page.
This will provide you with a quick overview of your profile percentage and indicate the necessary actions to be taken.
2. Select the dropdown menu to identify the information that is currently incomplete or missing.
3. Click on Social Media dropdown to view more options.
4. Click on Resumé to view more options.
5. You can either click directly on the missing information or navigate to the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Click on your profile photo to access the settings.
6. Click Settings
7. Click My Details to add or update your details.
8. Click Skills & Languages to add or update your skills
9. Click Experience to add your work experience.
10. Click Education to add your educational attainment.
11. Click Resumé to upload your resumé.
12. Navigate to the "Payment" section to input your payment information. Keep in mind that you can only add your payment method once you have received a job offer.
13. Maintaining a high completion percentage or ensuring that your profile is fully completed will enhance your overall appeal to potential companies.
14. That's it. You're done.