Navigating your Job Workspace when in the process of hiring

You can access all of your jobs from the "My Jobs" dashboard.  You can access this dashboard from the jobs icon on the left window pane.

In this job workspace you are reviewing candidates, inviting candidates to your job and are receiving applications from candidates.

Jobs are segmented by:

  • All jobs
  • Filled (jobs with a current Virtual Team Member)
  • Hiring (open job)
  • Closed (terminated jobs)

When in the workspace of a job with a status of hiring you have access to the following sections:

Talent Match

List of candidates that match up with your posted job using VPM Solution's proprietary algorithm


List of candidates that have applied to your job.

Job Summary

Job data that you entered when posting the job

Time Log

Not used when a job is in Hiring status


List of candidates you have invited to apply for the job